What If… You lost a major customer? May 7, 2020 April 25, 2020 Ray Silverstein

What If… You lost a major customer?

Who can You talk with after you’ve lost a major customer?

Will You have to cut Your work force?

Will the bank tell You to move Your loan? or

What do You do if You lose a key employee due to injury, leaving you or death?

Difficult questions, a support group is critical to give You. They give You emotional support, ideas, and potential resources to help.

One member lost a major customer and had to cut back his business. He did not want to cut his work force, and the Peer Board told he must do this to survive. The goal was to save the company. The actions he had to take were emotionally difficult, but necessary.

The board discussed how to go about the cuts, and the communication to his employees. Today the company is back, and he has been able to bring back many of his past employees.

I am sure you know a Peer Advisory Board is a monthly meeting of non-competitive business owners, Presidents, CEO and C level Executives with an experienced facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and drives for conclusions.

At each meeting a topic is presented start the meeting, and to get the discussion following. Most Importantly, each participant has an opportunity to bring their issues to the table for peer feed back. In essence, a think tank with action and accountability.

PRO, President’s has created and facilitated business owners peer advisory boards for over 25 years. Technology now makes it possible for business owners to participate in On Line Peer Advisory Boards with an experienced facilitator, mentor, and tormentor. This means you can participate anywhere and on any wifi comparable device.

To give you an idea CLICK Here for a digital copy of the PRO Small Business Toolbook. 83 pages of articles, worksheets on almost every small business issue. It will get your brain thinking! This is an example of peer advisory insight

As facilitator, in my past life, I have gone through good times and bad, and understand the trauma, and the necessary actions. One time my company lost 40 percent of our business due to a government change in one weekend. This was survival time, and I had the support to help me through this period. With the insight and support I received the company gained back those sales plus more. It is easier in good times than bad, and having Your Peer Board makes all the time easier.

Now you can participate in an On Line Peer Advisory board anywhere, and on any device. CLICK Here for the Small Business Toolbook and to learn more about ON LINE Peer Advisory Boards.